Choctaw Academy Online Learning

The Dyer County School System is pleased to announce the launch of The Choctaw Academy, our virtual learning environment.


Dyer County Schools is committed to providing families non-traditional learning opportunities that meet the changing needs of our world while preparing our students to meet their personal goals for success.  

Our Purpose: 

The Choctaw Academy utilizes online learning management platforms, which deliver course content aligned with the Tennessee Academic Standards under the instruction of certified Dyer County teachers.  Students are expected to be self-motivated learners who adhere to online academic and attendance requirements.

Our Vision: 

The safety and well-being of our students and families are top priorities for our district.  Our students will all have an opportunity to meet their full potential in pursuit of their dreams through a rigorous learning platform, supportive family members, and online student support.    

Our Mission:

The Choctaw Academy exists to provide a rigorous, online educational option which empowers students to meet their highest academic and personal potential.

Our Motto:

“Pursuing Incredible Opportunities”

To Register:

Click the link to register for the Choctaw Academy.  Registration will be open from July 1st - July 15th.  There may be an additional registration period closer to the start of school.  Students enrolled in the Choctaw Academy will no longer be scheduled for classes at their regular school, so please be sure your student plans to participate in remote learning before completing the registration form.  Please contact Dr. Stacey Alexander at Dyer County Schools Central Office (731)285-6712 for more information or to change your submitted registration information.