Title 1 and Family Engagement Meeting and Survey

Dear Holice Powell Families,

As a Title 1 school, we provide students with extra assistance in reading and math. Students' progress is measured and sent home with progress reports. Your child's progress is monitored so that necessary adjustments to reading and math instruction can be made.

Our school staff is pleased to have this opportunity to provide students with additional supports when needed. If you have questions, please feel free to contact your child's teacher.

Because these additional services are provided through the Title I program, we invite parents to attend out Title I meetings each year. Unfortunately, this year our meeting will have to be held remotely.

We are asking that each family view the presentation online and complete the survey at the conclusion of the presentation. Students, whose parents complete the survey, will receive a homework pass as a thank you for your time. The presentation will be available on our HPES Facebook page and our website hpes.dyercs.net. This presentation and survey will be available Tuesday, November 10 - Friday, November 13. Surveys must be completed by Friday, November 13, in order for your child to receive his/her homework pass.

Thank you for your support in your child's education

Dr. Sara Cravens

Title 1 Family Meeting